My desire to be thrust into leadership capacities in the
workplace and in ministry has been challenged as of late. I recently finished
reading “Embracing Obscurity – Becoming Nothing in Light of God’s Everything”,
and felt particularly challenged. To summarize some of the book, here are the
main highlights of each chapter:
1 – One In A Billion – “We have such a high opinion of
ourselves, that to live and die unnoticed seems like a grace injustice.” (p.
2 – Embracing Definition – “By Christ’s own decree, we
should be no more defined by the world than He is.” (p.31). We all subtitles
that we use to define ourselves; are they the result of pride?
3 – Embracing the Humble King – “Christ’s obscurity was
perfectly planned –and equally glorifying to God – as His journey to fame, and
His fall from the public’s favor.” (pg. 47). Rarely does normalcy stir
suspicion. This meant that people had a hard time believing that Jesus was God
in the flesh.
4 – Embracing Significance – Eternal significance can be
ours through embracing the work of Christ (pg. 56). When we accept that our
value is not dependent on what we do, we are liberated to do much for Christ.
5 – Embracing True Success – We've all done some cool
things, but we can’t let them become our subtitles or points of pride,
especially when we know that those things aren't ours to begin with (pg. 80).
6 – Embracing Servanthood – In order to embrace obscurity,
we must master the art of serving with humility. When God wanted to give
someone a compliment or set them apart, he called them “his servants” (pg. 98).
“We go striving for accolades to please ourselves, and our Father, when He
desires most for us simply to enjoy Him and let the rivers of His pleasures
spill out to others.
7 – Embracing Suffering – God allows us to suffer, as it
both brings change in us, and enables us to give more to others (pg. 109). Many
servants of Christ suffered greatly, and many times their suffering, and ours,
leads to greater obscurity, but ultimately God’s greater glory.
8 – Embracing the Mystery – People didn't understand Jesus.
People didn't expect God in the flesh to be so ordinary. If our lives really
reflected our Savior, why would we expect the world to understand us?
9 – Embracing the Spotlight – We are all relatively unknown
in the scope of humanity, but there may be a chance that our names may be
recognized among others in this life (pg. 149). Whether we are a figurehead
or obscure servant, our lives have equal purpose; a) making God’s name great,
b) advancing God’s kingdom on Earth, and c) serving others.
10 – Embracing Hope – The reality of forever has to eclipse
the day-to-day desires and pursuits of our ordinary lives, while walking in a
manner worthy of the gospel.
Will we, like King David (Psalm 17:15), yearn to be satisfied simply with
the presence of God when we awake in the morning? I am
praying that I hold fast to the truth that the Lord knows me fully (Psalm 139), and that my
standing with him depends fully on his righteousness that was transferred to me
through my faith in Christ, and not through everybody knowing my name.